All you should know about Orthopaedic Locking plates

Supposing you have been experiencing mild pain in the body for the last few months. You might just to ignore it. However, the truth is that this pain could be because of any reason like a fracture, accident, or bone injury. You should get yourself checked with a doctor who will advise the correct treatment. Usually, such an injury can be healed, and locking plates are one type of treatment the surgeon would recommend. Let us here know about Orthopaedic locking plates.
Application of Locking plates
Also known as locking compression plates, they use locking screw technology with conventional plates. Simply put, these plates have both screws and plates in them. Since there is a locking system, the chances of the product failing are minimized. A reputed Orthopaedic Implants Manufacturer ensures that you never face difficulty with the plates after implant. The main application of the locking plates, therefore, is fixation which helps in stabilizing the bone that is fractured. A suitable locking plate must have the following features:
- The width and thickness of plates must be in proportion to the bone
- It should be capable of holding the fracture in a symmetrical manner
- Should be able to balance the pressure on the fracture
- Must have a closing on the bone’s contour
Types of Orthopaedic locking plates
In the market, there are various types of Orthopaedic locking plates. There are separate materials used for which and the purpose is also different. Usually, people prefer using plates made of Stainless steel as they are strong, inexpensive, and easy to use.
- Dynamic compression plates- This is the standard locking plate, and it brings two edges of these fractured bones together. It is for this reason they can be welded together in a better manner. A trustworthy, Orthopaedic Implants Company would construct a customized plate for you.
- Limited contact Dynamic compression plates- These plates are one level over the Dynamic compression plates. They exert a little less pressure on the bone as opposed to the DCP. Thus the injury heals faster.
- Locking compression plates- This modern technology uses locking screws and traditional in a balanced way. The possibility of plate and bone connecting together is significantly less. In turn, the blood flow is increased, and your injury heals.
- Anatomical plates- These plates are usually used for distal tibial fractures. Actually, these are contoured plates specific for a particular anatomical defect.
- Reconstruction plates- The reconstruction plates are open to movement at any angle and plane. Since they are so adaptable, they can be used for distal hummers, pelvis, and clavicles.
Summing up
Facing any bone injury can be a little disturbing at times. Until you get yourself checked, you will never realize the problem is so severe. Thankfully locking plates are available and can be customized to help your injury heal faster.
The above information can only give an insight into the world of locking plates. For best results, consult a reputed surgeon as he only can guide you better. He can also suggest a reliable orthopedic implant manufacturer who would create customized implants for you.