Spinal Implants And Its Types And Usage

Modern-day lifestyles encourage a person to sit for long hours. Such habits can cause a severe strain on the spine. Prolonged conditions may lead to the person start experiencing severe backache and needing quick treatment. If the situation is rather extreme, the person might have to undergo surgery. Spinal implants are inserted to make sure the spine starts healing. Here we will tell you about spinal implants and how they are used.
What are spinal implants?
Most of spinal implants are made of either titanium, titanium alloy, or stainless steel. There are some which are made of non-metallic compounds. When finding one for your problem, you must contact a trustworthy Spinal implants manufacturer.
Types of spinal implants
There is a wide variety of shapes and sizes so that the implants can match the exact need of the patient. We can classify spinal implants under the following categories:
- Rods-These are one of the original implants that are used in the spine. Rods are placed using hooks and screws. They help in immobilizing the spinal levels and correcting the spinal shape into the proper position. Though the rods are strong, they are flexible. The doctor can modify it a bit to fit the patient's spine.
- Pedicle screws- These screws are designed with care to fit the pedicles of the spinal vertebrae. Traditionally they were used for the Lumbar spine. However, due to technological developments, doctors have started using them for the thoracic spine as well. The screws provide support, and the rods could be attached to them. The rods can be contoured to remove deformities and aid fusion.
- Hooks- The hooks are used with rods and implants and then anchored to the vertebra.
- Plates- They are primarily used in the cervical spine. Plates are made such that they match the contours of the spine. Screws are used to hold these plates in place. If the plate needs an adjustment, the doctor uses a customizing tool to fit the patient's spine.
- Cages- They are called interbody cages as they are usually placed between two vertebrae. They are small hollow devices and have perforated walls. The bone graft is packed between the cages to aid bone growth. Cages can also be used to restore the lost disc height that can arise due to a collapsed disc and to reduce the pressure on the nerve roots.
Usage of Spinal implants
The ailments that spinal implants can resolve include any instance of severe back pain and deformity. The disorders that could be treated include scoliosis, fracture, degenerative disc disease, and kyphosis. Their primary function is to fuse two vertebrae together.
Some other purposes for which spinal implants could be recommended are:
- Correcting any deformities in the bone
- Strengthening and working on improving the stability of the spine
- Assisting in the fusion of two vertebrae so they can replace normal tissue
The types of surgeries where spinal implants are as follows:
- Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF)
- Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF)
- Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody fusion (TLIF)
- Axial Lumbar Interbody Fusion (Axial IF)
Summing up
Spinal injury of any kind can inhibit a person’s life processes. If faced with such a situation, you need a reliable trauma implants manufacturer to help. At Capsur Enterprises, we manufacture spinal implants that can relieve a patient from his misery.
Capsur Enterprise is a leading spinal implant manufacturer from India with a vast product range. We use durable materials so they last longer. Our implants are distributed to prominent health centers and hospitals in India and the world. They maintain the quality standards that the industry has set. Once the surgery is over, recovery is fast, and the patient can get back to his everyday life.